
Grand Canadian


  • 19-day trip through Canada
  • Accommodations: 16 nights in hotels, 2 nights in special stays
  • Meals included: 8 breakfasts and 5 dinners
  • Transportation provided: coach and 1 internal flight
  • Group size: Maximum of 54 people
  • Trip crew: Expert Trip Manager & Driver Team
  • Highlights include Jasper National Park, waterfalls, lakes, and mountains
  • Explore Vancouver and Toronto with a mix of scenery and city experiences


    Grand Canadian
    The “Grand Canadian” tour is a 19-day journey through Canada. It includes 16 nights in hotels and 2 nights in special stays, as well as 8 breakfasts and 5 dinners. Transportation is by coach with one internal flight, and the group size is a maximum of 54 people. The trip is led by an expert Trip Manager and Driver Team, starting in Toronto and exploring Jasper National Park and cities like Vancouver and Toronto. The tour offers a blend of stunning scenery and vibrant urban experiences.