Balkans Discovery
- 8-day adventure covering 6 Balkan countries
- Stay in hotels for 7 nights
- Includes 7 breakfasts and 2 dinners
- Transportation provided by coach
- Average group size of 38 people
- Trip managed by Expert Trip Manager + Driver Team + Local Guides
- Visit Dalmatian Coastline, Montenegro, Albania, WWI sites, and Belgrade architecture
Balkans Discovery
Balkans Discovery” is an 8-day tour that covers 6 countries with accommodations in hotels for 7 nights. The package includes 7 breakfasts and 2 dinners, transportation by coach, and a group size averaging 38 people. A team of experts, including a trip manager, driver team, and local guides, will lead the tour through various Balkan destinations such as the Dalmatian Coastline, Montenegro, Albania, the historic site of WWI, and Belgrade.