Ultimate European
- 45-day Ultimate European tour
- 16 countries visited
- Accommodations include hostels, hotels, special stays, overnight ferry, and overnight train
- 44 breakfasts, 1 picnic lunch, and 15 dinners included
- Transportation provided by coach
- Average group size of 49 people
- Expert Trip Manager, Driver Team, and Local Guides
- Includes flights and ferries, with plenty of activities offered throughout the trip
Ultimate European
The “Ultimate European” product offers a 45-day tour of 16 countries with 22 nights in hostels, 16 nights in hotels, and various unique accommodations. The package includes meals, transportation, and a group size of around 49 people. The trip features an expert trip manager, driver team, and local guides. This extensive itinerary covers a wide range of European destinations and culminates with a visit to Egypt.